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The Bleachers Guide for First-Time Buyers

Who doesn’t know what bleachers are? Those rows of seats you watch indoor and outdoor games from are part and parcel of our school memories. When they were permanent seating sections inside the gymnasium, bleachers weren’t just for viewing sports activities. They were also preferred by young smokers or high school sweethearts to hide behind and, well, discuss the new science project.

Today, bleachers are no longer the same as the old-style tiered seats. They’re light but sturdier fold-aways designed for easy storage and portability. They’re usually made of aluminum. They can also be custom metal benches with rows behind that are higher as you move further back. They can be used indoors or moved outdoors. The more popular aluminum bleachers come in different styles.

Stationary or Tip-n-Roll Bleachers

The fixed bleachers range from 3-row affairs to 15 rows, depending on your specific requirements. You can have them put together on the surface of your choice: concrete, grass, or dirt. Some floors are better. As long as it’s level and can carry the load of the bleachers and the spectators, it’s all good. The most preferred surface for a stationary bleacher is concrete.

The Tip-n-Roll, or transportable stand, is a type of bleacher that can be moved from one place to another. This makes for a quick setup of ready-made seats for special events. Tip-n-Rolls are suitable for gymnasiums. They’re built in accordance with strict building codes and can be conveniently towed to where they’re needed. With this in mind, safety should be the top consideration when looking at buying them.

Elevated or Non-Elevated Bleachers

Elevated bleachers are stationary models that are raised above the ground and can be accessed by stairs and a walkway in front. The row of seats behind is higher than the one in front, and it progressively goes up to give the spectators an unobstructed view of what they’re watching.

The non-elevated type has a front row that rests on the floor. It’s still an arrangement where the people in the rows behind are seated on a higher level. They’re usually smaller and can seat fewer people, making them not as expensive as the elevated version. Both are made of aluminum, the most practical material.

Retractable Bleachers

This employs the practical system of pulling back the seats and allowing them to fold and be stored so that they take up less space when not in use. The concept is also called “telescopic” in reference to how some telescopes can be reduced in size by simply making them collapsible or foldable.

ADA Bleachers

These are seating provisions that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a law that makes sure those who suffer from some form of infirmity are, among other things, not excluded from being part of the audience.   Wheelchairs can be accommodated on ADA bleachers, which also have a seat next to it for the disabled’s companion.

Custom-Made Bleachers

With the descriptions just given of the many different types of bleachers there are to choose from, you now know that there’s more to providing convenient seats for people to watch from than custom metal benches. You’ll find all types of attractive bleachers online, but, most of all, you can get them made to suit your needs.

For a ready-made bleacher or one that’s personalized, you can get in touch with Southwest Market Products to see what they have to offer. Bleachers are usually made of either steel, concrete, aluminum, or a combination of them. Your best bet would be aluminum. It’s cheaper and can be made portable.

For more information, browse through our company website. You can also call 702-680-6952 or send an email at